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A century of African art: the Soubry family collection

Masks in African Tribal Art

Lega: Art at the service of ancestors and initiation
Kongo African art, rich and varied, testifies to the importance given to the rites and beliefs that they practiced.
On the one hand, we find objects linked to animist beliefs: maternity, pairs of statuettes, commemorative statues of ancestors, nkisi fetish, nkisi nkondi nail fetish, nkisi nkondi kozo fetish, maboondo funerary steles, traditional ngobudi masks, vili statuettes , bitumba statue, kiala moko ntadi figures, etc.
On the other, we discover objects linked to Christian beliefs: crucifixes, statues of the Virgin, etc.
The Kongo, or Bakongo, lived in a kingdom encompassing Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola, bringing together several tribes (Vili, Yombe, Beembe, Bwende, Woyo, etc.) under the supervision of their king, elected by a board of governors.
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