he Dogon primordial iron statues are a form of traditional art created by the Dogon people of Mali in West Africa. These statues are known for their cultural significance and deeply rooted religious symbolism.
Dogon statues are typically characterized by their stylization and abstraction. They are often depicted as stylized human figures with elongated limbs.
These Dogon statues play a central role in Dogon religion and cosmology. They represent ancestors and ancestral spirits and are frequently used in rituals and religious ceremonies. The Dogon believe in a pantheon of spirits and supernatural beings, and these statues serve as intermediaries between the world of the living and that of the spirits.
These remarkable works were collected by Mr. Schmidt himself during his stays in Africa at a time when unique pieces that had been used ritually could still be found in remote villages.
Data sheet
he Dogon primordial iron statues are a form of traditional art created by the Dogon people of Mali in West Africa. These statues are known for their cultural significance and deeply rooted religious symbolism.
Dogon statues are typically characterized by their stylization and abstraction. They are often depicted as stylized human figures with elongated limbs.
These Dogon statues play a central role in Dogon religion and cosmology. They represent ancestors and ancestral spirits and are frequently used in rituals and religious ceremonies. The Dogon believe in a pantheon of spirits and supernatural beings, and these statues serve as intermediaries between the world of the living and that of the spirits.
These remarkable works were collected by Mr. Schmidt himself during his stays in Africa at a time when unique pieces that had been used ritually could still be found in remote villages.