Old African mask comes from the Lwalwa or Lwalu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a traditional mask worn in front of the face accompanied by a costume.
The slightly curved face is flanked by a thick central nose and a small extruded mouth. This mask is of the mvondo or mfondo type.
Among the Lwalwa, people of D.R. Congo and Angola, the sculptors making these masks occupy a privileged place in society (like community leaders) and are responsible for the initiation and circumcision of young men and boys.
Data sheet
Old African mask comes from the Lwalwa or Lwalu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a traditional mask worn in front of the face accompanied by a costume.
The slightly curved face is flanked by a thick central nose and a small extruded mouth. This mask is of the mvondo or mfondo type.
Among the Lwalwa, people of D.R. Congo and Angola, the sculptors making these masks occupy a privileged place in society (like community leaders) and are responsible for the initiation and circumcision of young men and boys.