Lukwakongo Passeport Mask - Lega - Congo - SOLD

African passport mask linked to the Bwami at the Lega

Most Lega African masks are not meant to be worn. They served as badges testifying to the rank of their bearer within the Bwami, the society governing the social life of the Lega.Au as and when crossing the ranks of the Bwami hierarchy, the insiders were given different objects of prestige such as this little mask Lukwakongo type.

However, these objects with the characteristic look did not have for only function to indicate the rank of their owner but carried in them a very specific individual meaning expressed in the form of proverb illustrating a morality or a virtue. Lega is often cited as the richest and deepest of all African arts, which makes it highly appreciated and sought after, and rightly so.

Origin : private collection P. Vandenbergh, BelgiumDating : 1960'sSize : 14 x 8 cmMaterial : woodStand included

Sold out

Data sheet

Presumed dating
Mid XXth century
Ethnic group
Lega / Balega / Warega
Tribal art collection Belgium

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