Exclusive attribute object of the function of chief or king, these are the material symbols of the power of the chief. Command sticks or scepters have always been the insignia of African kings. The scepter was so important as to symbolize the royal power, that even when it was not in the hands of the sovereign, he was shown the respect due to the chief.
It could also, as with the Luba, remain hidden and appear only in exceptional circumstances.
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Exclusive attribute object of the function of chief or king, these are the material symbols of the power of the chief. Command sticks or scepters have always been the insignia of African kings. The scepter was so important as to symbolize the royal power, that even when it was not in the hands of the sovereign, he was shown the respect due to the chief.
It could also, as with the Luba, remain hidden and appear only in exceptional circumstances.