The Dogon have always practiced ancestor worship and are renowned for having a cosmogony and rich and complex beliefs. They also have the distinction of living at the foot of the cliffs of Bandiagara in Mali. Small traditional statuette with a simple look that probably represents an ancestor. This authentic piece was probably placed in the box for the worship of Binou.
Origin : gathered in situDating : 1950'sSize : +/- 5cmMaterial : bronze
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The Dogon have always practiced ancestor worship and are renowned for having a cosmogony and rich and complex beliefs. They also have the distinction of living at the foot of the cliffs of Bandiagara in Mali. Small traditional statuette with a simple look that probably represents an ancestor. This authentic piece was probably placed in the box for the worship of Binou.
Origin : gathered in situDating : 1950'sSize : +/- 5cmMaterial : bronze