When in use, the diviner and his client sit on a mat on the ground and each grasps the sides with their index finger and middle finger on the interior and their thumb on the exterior.
The diviner then addresses himself to the spirits and asks them a number of questions.
As long as the spirits remain silent and do not reply, the oracle performs a to-and-fro movement on the mat or on a neckrest.
On the other hand if the spirit replies, the katotora executes different up-and down movement, or inclines toward the ground.
An ancient non-royal form of divination practiced by Luba and Luba-related peoples is called kashekesheke in the Luba heartland and katatora in surrounding regions.
Diviner and client together hold a small sculpted instrument that responds to the diviner’s questions through coded movements to reconstruct past events and to resolve present problems.
Kashekesheke does not involve spirit possession, but rather derives its agency from medicinal substances implanted in the diviner’s right hand.
When the hand makes contact with the sculpture, family spirits are invoked to assist with problems both personal and collective.
The name kashekesheke imitates the sound of the instrument as it swishes across the mat, but it also means "to vomit the truth."
As one Luba proverb says of this process, "There is no liar in kashekesheke divination, because you are holding [the instrument], and so am I."
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When in use, the diviner and his client sit on a mat on the ground and each grasps the sides with their index finger and middle finger on the interior and their thumb on the exterior.
The diviner then addresses himself to the spirits and asks them a number of questions.
As long as the spirits remain silent and do not reply, the oracle performs a to-and-fro movement on the mat or on a neckrest.
On the other hand if the spirit replies, the katotora executes different up-and down movement, or inclines toward the ground.
An ancient non-royal form of divination practiced by Luba and Luba-related peoples is called kashekesheke in the Luba heartland and katatora in surrounding regions.
Diviner and client together hold a small sculpted instrument that responds to the diviner’s questions through coded movements to reconstruct past events and to resolve present problems.
Kashekesheke does not involve spirit possession, but rather derives its agency from medicinal substances implanted in the diviner’s right hand.
When the hand makes contact with the sculpture, family spirits are invoked to assist with problems both personal and collective.
The name kashekesheke imitates the sound of the instrument as it swishes across the mat, but it also means "to vomit the truth."
As one Luba proverb says of this process, "There is no liar in kashekesheke divination, because you are holding [the instrument], and so am I."