Very old African figure called Kakudji or Munsinju from Belgian private collection repatriated in 1946. Beautiful dark deep brown patina. A conically shaped base supports a slender trunk with massive rounded shoulders, flanked by arms ending in large hands resting on both sides of the abdomen.
The statue is crowned by a small head with a triangular plan of the face wearing a goatee. The top of the head is largely hollowed out to contain a load, still in place, with supernatural powers.
The Bena Kasongo are a small ethnic group from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kakudji fetishes exist in several ethnic groups like the Luba and Kusu, making it difficult to identify them accurately. According to Marc Leo Felix, these statuettes in fact named munsinju are placed on a steel pick or kept in a basket by the witch doctors (mugangas).
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Very old African figure called Kakudji or Munsinju from Belgian private collection repatriated in 1946. Beautiful dark deep brown patina. A conically shaped base supports a slender trunk with massive rounded shoulders, flanked by arms ending in large hands resting on both sides of the abdomen.
The statue is crowned by a small head with a triangular plan of the face wearing a goatee. The top of the head is largely hollowed out to contain a load, still in place, with supernatural powers.
The Bena Kasongo are a small ethnic group from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kakudji fetishes exist in several ethnic groups like the Luba and Kusu, making it difficult to identify them accurately. According to Marc Leo Felix, these statuettes in fact named munsinju are placed on a steel pick or kept in a basket by the witch doctors (mugangas).